Rogaria 3 – Crescent

Event Date:

22 mei 2025

Event Time:

5:00 pm

Event Location:

Jeugdverblijf Zozimus

Please fill in the Registration Form (click the link) for administrative purposes upon registration!

He gazed upon the crescent moon as it crept higher into the darkened sky, casting a pale light across the endless sands.

Was it waxing or waning? The answer eluded him, but he’d check the charts later—such details had a way of becoming significant when unrest was brewing.

Crescent. A single arc that could describe the graceful sweep of a blade or the charge of warriors across the dunes. Tonight, it was the shape of the moon, sharp and faint like the wings of desert moths flitting through the shadows.

But now, crescent meant more. It was the rising curve of unease among the Tribes, tension gathering like the moon before it becomes full. A Water Feud, vast and terrible, loomed on the horizon. Words had been spoken—fierce, reckless words—and their consequences lingered just out of reach, not yet fully realized, but growing.

Crescent. It was the shape of things to come.

Refund & Cancellation Policy:

If you cancel your registration 3 months before the start of the event, you are entitled to a full refund.

We will ask someone on the waiting list to fill your spot, who is then able to pay and enter the event.

If you cancel later than that, your fee will not be refunded under any condition.

We will open your spot to someone on the waiting list. They will be able to experience the event in a ‘pay what you can’ option.

You are free to ‘sell’ your spot to someone else though, feel free to contact us in that case.

What if no more tickets are available?

Send us an e-mail on

Register Now:

Ticket type: Ticket Qty: Per Ticket Price:
Player - Tier 1

Before 16/02/2025:

46 Left:
Player-Sponsor - Tier 1

Before 16/02/2025:

70 Left:
RPC - Tier 1

Before 16/02/2025:

23 Left:
14 Left:
Quantity: Total
Total Seats: 195 (153 Left:)
  • Jeugdverblijf Zozimus
  • Witteweg 30
  • Bekkevoort
  • 3460
  • Belgium

Event Schedule Details

  • 22 mei 2025 5:00 pm   -   25 mei 2025 1:00 pm
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